Our Sunday Morning Service is at 10.30 am.
Services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month are normally led by our Minister, Reverend Ed Butlin.
On some of the 3rd Sundays of the month our service will be cafe style which is more informal as we sit around tables and share in discussion, craft activities and includes coffee / tea and cake throughout
Communion is normally celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month. All who love the Lord Jesus are welcome to share in this Communion.
We use hymns from Rejoice and Sing and from Complete Mission Praise and our singing may be led from the organ, piano, an electronic hymnal or occasionally led by a small band.
There is an Upper Coquetdale Churches Together service on the fifth Sunday of relevant months. These services travel around the churches of Upper Coquetdale – details of location and times are in “Over the Bridges”.